There have been Years that I didn’t Notice the Leaves

The leaves are changing in Chicago!

Burgundy, gold, yellow, purple-the colors are fabulous! The air is crisp.

There have been years that I have missed it. Not because I had traveled to a warm exotic location for months. Not because I was ill and not able to take it in.

There were years that I made myself too busy and I missed it. I simply did not stop to take it in.

Last week, I reflected on keeping commitments to myself. Crossing off items on from to do list. I acknowledged that to do lists can be made up of items that move meaningful projects forward; a marketing plan for your business, writing 50 words for your novel, getting-in your training run.

There are also to-do lists that are filled with “busy”- activities that may not need to get done or get done by you.  Activities that you place on your list because you feel like you “should,” commitments that you made that you didn’t really want to take on, but didn’t know how to say no.

I have had many of these types of items on my list as well. Sometimes some still slip through.

It is time to Fight the Busy

Some definitions of busy that I have found:

  • Having a great deal to do
  • Keeping occupied

When I have a “great deal to do” to intentionally move a project forward, create an experience, nurture a relationship or make a meaningful contribution to society, I experience more energy and fulfillment.

When I am keeping occupied, it is usually because I am avoiding something, having a hard time being with my own thoughts. This drains me and causes anxiety.

This month I am challenging myself and I invite you to join me.

A Life All In is excited to be partnering with Altered Self Wellness for a “Fight the Busy” campaign! Join the movement and take the items off your list that don’t bring value to your life. Take the things off your list that leave you tired and overwhelmed. Say yes to the activities that bring you closer to the experiences and relationships that you want to engage in. Activities that encourage your wellness!

Here how to contribute and receive support:

We would for you to snap a pic of yourself as you “fight the busy.” How do you fill your cup? What do you do to be in the present moment? Take a pic and post on Instagram and/or Facebook with #fightthebusy.

We also invite you to join us in reading Courtney Carver’s Soulful Simplicity. Carver is passionate about clearing out the unnecessary both physically and mentally, so you can be in the present moment. We would love to explore her thoughts and ideas with you. We will be posting info about the book group soon!

Fight the Busy and create A Life All In.


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