A Check Mark Didn’t Capture It

On Sunday each week, I go through my week and list my accomplishments (although this routine is going to get tweaked soon, more to come on that). 

This Sunday, my biggest accomplishment wasn’t something I could check off a list. 

It wasn’t even on the list (GASP!)

Yet, so many of us strive for it everyday. 

It is why we do so much of what we do.

It is part of who we are as humans.

This week I felt a STRONG Connection with a dear friend. 

The connection came because I made a very deliberate choice to attend the wake and funeral of one of her family members. I had never met the family member. I went because I was
taught to always go to the wake and funeral. I was taught that, but did I need to keep that

No. I chose to go as who I am now. 

I showed up because I am a person who holds space. I wanted to share in the journey.  I chose
to be in the room with my dear friend and LOTS of people I never met. It was beautiful and I
was honored to be a part of it. 

I chose to be in the room with my dear friend and get to know through stories, laughter and
tears this person that meant so much to so many. Someone who I never met, but now feel like I do. 

And it made a world of difference to me and my friend. To me, because I owned how I wanted to react in the situation.  And the happy bi-product, she felt seen. We connected in a way that we hadn’t before.  

How would the connections in your life be affected if you were intentional about how you
showed up? If you were intentional in what beliefs you carry with you? How would Holidays,
family events, work be different for you if you were intentional in the space?  

Find out. Take your space in the six week Mastermind Group: Six Weeks of Bringing It! Be
intentional on how you show up for the rest of 2019 and into 2020.. You can and will make it
happen.  Click here to reserve your spot.

To A Life All In!

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