Battle with Balance

There is a balance in life that I have been seeking. That many of us seek. 

Time to be in the work: creating, listening, flowing. 

Time to interact with the world: arranging, releasing, ordering, organizing.

We have a day or two or three engaged in doing. Or we have a day or two or three listening and flowing, creating.  We feel great and then we come out and look around at all the things we didn’t get to do. We look around and all we see is what wasn’t happening when we were in the other zone.

If we were creating and expanding then laundry wasn’t getting done. 

If we were washing dishes and filing papers then new ideas were not brought to fruition. 

We are in an either/or world.

What would happen if we turned the view to both/and

One feeds the other. 

And it isn’t a perfectly divided split. 

It isn’t about equity of time.

It’s about circulation of energy.


Not linear. 

How do I tune in “plug-in” when I am not sitting at my computer ready,  when I am not actively engaged in the process of listening? 

The answer comes as it is a “releasing of the how.”

What if you were always listening. Paying attention to the nudges. What is spirit/intuition  was always working and we were just following the signs. Looking at the data, acknowledging the feeling and asking “now what” and then being patient with the answer?

What if the flow was happening while we were folding laundry, filing papers. Because we were present we heard it, acknowledged it. 

What would happen if we didn’t judge the activity, but instead decided to be present.

Keep the energy flowing. 

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