The First Time. A Poem

I took a deep breath

as if for the first time

I felt my body in a new way

As if on a walk down a path

The trail head was my crown

The fork in the road, my feet

I took a deep breath

as if for the first time

And partnered with

The tension in my crown

my neck, my shoulders, my chest

The compression in my sacral and my hips

The tightness in my legs

The gentleness in my feet, holding it all

My body spoke to me. It said

I have been with you carrying you, holding you, absorbing the feeling, giving you signs

Partnering with you

I love you

I took a deep breath as if for the first time

I felt into my body as if for the first time

I got dressed for comfort

Did not put a bra on

Put my scale in the closet on a shelf

My body, my spirit, my soul, as if for the first time

Sat in the sun


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