Love the New Year Series #1: Why I Love This Week.

This is my one of my favorite weeks of the year. 
-There is a new planner (office supply junkie).
-The days are officially getting longer (I live in the Midwest where that is a thing).

And there is a review.

It is a process I engage in with a deep dive twice a year. Once in September as an anniversary activity with my spouse and again in December/January as I start thinking about what I want to learn/become/achieve in the year ahead. 

A vehicle for this learning/becoming/achieving is to set goals.

This is a simple multi-question process that begins with the following questions inspired by Jinny S. Ditzler and her book Your Best Year Yet. This is a sneak peak into the work we will be doing when you join me at my  Goal Get ‘Em Workshop January 27th in Chicago. A virtual date will also be released soon.

  1. What are the successes and celebrations of the year? List as many as you can. If applicable list what you overcame to create the success.
  2. What are the disappointments of the year. What didn’t go so well? No judgement, just observe. Write these down too.
  3. Looking at the disappointments, what did you learn about yourself? How did you move forward after the disappointments?

The answers to these questions lay the baseline for the direction and focus for the coming year and I promise you will learn so much from answering them. You will surprise yourself. You are stronger and more awesome then you can imagine. 

Enjoy the last few days of 2018. Talk to you tomorrow!

Here’s to A Life All In!

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